CRD Fuel Enhancer
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CRD Fuel Enhancer is the most effective fuel system cleaner for common rail diesels
Key points:
- Diesel injector cleaner
- Suitable for Common Rail Diesels and Older Diesels
- Save on expensive injector & pump costs
- Eliminates or minimizes injector rattle
- Protection against contaminated diesel
- Boosts diesel lubricity
- Anti-corrosion protection for pumps and injectors
- DPF Compatible
- Restores power & economy
- Not suitable for Petrol engines
Why replacing the injectors might be only a “bandaid” fix…
Knight’s Toyota dealership had a 2007 Hilux arrive with a bad injector rattle. All injectors scored off scale readings. The engine was shaking, rattling and knocking a lot…indicating that $4000 worth of new injectors was required. As $4000 was out of the question for the owner, they offered him a bottle of CRD Fuel Enhancer. It wasn’t until the next service when they saw the Hilux again. This time, the injectors produced an “as new” test reading, and they performed perfectly.
In this case, the injectors were actually fine, and the root cause was fixed by restoring full cleanliness to the injectors, AND providing the necessary lubricity to the fuel to cope with the high temperature, high pressure and fine tolerances of the common rail system. See ourTestimonials section below for more details.
There’s no shortages of horror stories about common rail diesel problems, and our fuel system cleaner, CRD Fuel Enhancer is the real life FIX for most Common Rail problems!
- Cleans the entire CRD fuel system
- Concentrated injector cleaner
- Boosts diesel lubricity
- Anti-corrosion protection for pumps and injectors
- Had petrol in YOUR diesel? CRD Fuel Enhancer could still save your pump and injectors!
- Restores power & economy
- Complete fuel treatment
- 250ml treats 2000L of diesel.
SAVINGS HISTORY: $1500 to $20,000 in injector &/or pump replacements
Common Rail Diesels problems can be incredibly expensive! – try our fuel system additive before you rebuild!
- Prevent, eliminate or minimize noisy injector rattle from your CRD engine! (The rattle can sound like noisy valve tappets, or rapid machine gun type rattle. The injector could be fouled by contaminant or is seizing due to inadequate lubrication. Excessive fuelling would likely be causing detonation inside the combustion chamber, instead of smooth combustion.)
- CRD Fuel Enhancer cleans pump & injector deposits, and disperses contaminants as they form
- Boost your diesel fuel’s lubricity
- Provide exceptional anti-rust protection to pumps and injectors!
Fuel consumption going through the roof? Performance suffering?
- Save $2000 to $20,000 on CRD fuel pumps, injectors and expensive engine repairs!
CRD Injectors and Fuel pumps are very expensive ($2000 per injector is not uncommon). They run incredibly fine tolerances, and are highly stressed due to enormous pressures and high temperatures. Compared to older technology diesel fuel systems, they are totally unforgiving when it comes to fuel contamination. Very small amounts of water or contamination will wreck pumps and injectors. They’re pretty much non-repairable, so it means new components.
But the damage doesn’t always stop with injectors and pumps. Sticking injectors can cause gross over-fuelling resulting in melted pistons! Start thinking $10,000 to $20,000, and for a 3-4 year old vehicle you’ll probably be over-capitalizing repairing it! Compare THAT to the cost of our fuel treatment and treat any injector rattle very seriously indeed!
CRD engines have been developed to meet the latest emission standards, and diesel fuel sulphur is now very low for the same reason. But low sulphur fuel happens to compound another problem…lubricity! At a time when pumps and injectors rely even more on diesel fuel for lubrication, it has actually reduced.
Instructions: Clean and Maintain Diesel Injectors
Add CRD Fuel Enhancer to diesel fuel at 10mL per 80L.
CRD Fuel Enhancer can be double dosed when:
- Injector feedback values are out of spec
- Badly worn injectors with a severe injector rattle
- Bad diesel fuel has affected vehicle performance
Common Rail technology was introduced to diesels in 2007, and these will require CRD Fuel Enhancer. It can be used in earlier diesel engines, but is not suitable for petrol engines.
More Info:
The Common Rail Diesel (CRD) injection system is the most recent development to achieve ever more stringent diesel exhaust emission standards, but it is currently associated with widespread problems. These problems range from engine rattles, expensive injector and fuel pump failures, injector sticking, stalling problems and rapid piston and liner wear. Problems have been documented across a wide range of engine suppliers, including Toyota, BMW, Volkswagen, Nissan and many more.
Cost Effective Maintenance have specifically developed our fuel additive ‘CRD Fuel Enhancer’, to address rattles, and provide smooth operation of fuel pumps and injectors. Used routinely, it will increase the service life of your diesel fuel system and minimize the potential for the above problems.
The CRD system requires a significant increase in operating pressure compared to earlier systems. Fuel system pressures of up to (and above) 30,000 psi are required, and combined with ultrafine tolerances of diesel pumps and injectors, achieve superior fuel atomization for cleaner combustion.
There are several factors that place significant additional stress on this system, compared to earlier diesel injection systems…
- The increased operating pressure causes higher loadings on equipment, and this places a bigger demand on the fuel’s lubricating ability.
- The higher pressure causes much higher fuel temperatures, which can actually degrade the fuel, forming fouling deposits within pumps and injectors. Such deposits interfere with the fine tolerances, to cause sticking, malfunction and injector wear. This risk increases if using biodiesel blends, since biodiesel by nature, degrades faster.
- Diesel sulphur levels have been reduced, to reduce smoke emissions. However, sulphur provides lubrication, so lowering sulphur levels can result in greater wear to very expensive fuel pumps and injectors.
- CRD engines are designed with much finer tolerances within pumps and injectors, as well as piston to liner clearances, making them much more susceptible to deposits, and also the presence of any water contamination in the fuel.
CRD Fuel Enhancer provides strongly enhanced fuel lubricity, superior deposit control for fuel pumps and injectors, and exceptional anti-rust/anti-corrosion protection. While it’s recommended as a routine preventative step for CRD engines, it has been shown to eliminate severe injector rattle, restore operating performance and economy. It is designed specifically for Common Rail Diesels, but is suitable for all diesel engines. It is not recommended for petrol engines.
Many Common Rail Diesels are also prone to building high levels of soot in the oil. For this reason, we also recommend using the Flushing Oil Concentrate.
Gasso said this about his Hilux.
"Hey gents, just wanted to say thanks for a great product. I’ve just done 10,000 clicks on my Hilux and used your product from the start. No rattles at all unlike my mates that doesn’t use anything. Currently at Moreton Island from Melbourne amazing place so much fun. Good to know I can rely on my motor staying clean and working at its best. Thanks Gasso"
CRD saves Prado TD with petrol in diesel
Report from Knight’s Toyota Leongatha Victoria. (Tristan) Their customer had purchased a new Prado TD and were travelling. After a 240km drive the Prado stopped and wouldn’t restart.
It was subsequently delivered by tilt tray to Knight’s Toyota (Leongatha VIC), where they were told that the owner had accidentally refuelled the Prado with 130L of petrol prior to driving the 240km. Service manager, Tristan Wilson advised the owner to expect a very costly rebuild as it was almost inevitable that a new fuel pump and injectors would be required.
While Knight’s had a lot of success rectifying injector problems with Cost Effective Maintenance’s CRD Fuel Enhancer, they didn’t expect it could save this engine. However, they decided to give it a go.
After draining the contaminated fuel, a strong dose of CRD Fuel Enhancer was added to 20L of diesel, and the fuel system bled. To their surprise, the engine started and within 5 minutes of rough running it cleared. A diagnostic check indicated that everything was OK, and the vehicle was test driven and then returned to a rather happy owner. Follow up communication with the owner confirmed that the engine was performing perfectly.
This kind of personal service from the Team at Knights Toyota is outstanding!
2012 Colorado 4×4 dual cab gets petrol in the diesel
This customer was using CRD Fuel Enhancer in the diesel of his Colorado. He was running low on fuel so put $20 in till he got to his usual servo to fill up. It ran a bit rough after a while & he thought he might have got some water in the fuel, so checked the filter drain & all clean. He put in some more CRD Fuel Enhancer as extra lubrication & protection against rust.
It seemed “OK”sh at highway speed so drove the 80km home. But into local traffic it struggled to get any revs above idle!
So next morning it was tray topped to the Holden dealer, who soon reported that there was petrol in the diesel, and that Colorado fuel pumps don’t handle petrol or water and it will need to be replaced. But when the job was complete, there was some good news…they couldn’t fault the pump or injectors. The system had all been cleaned out and was ready to pick up!
Knight’s Toyota, Leongatha (VIC)
Hi Brid, i have attached the dyno sheet of the Hilux you have mentioned in the add. This dyno run was done after the vehicle had done a run to Cape York with your CRD additive. Before it had left for Cape York all injector feedback values were off the scale, all reading –5 to +5 (these should be around –1 to +1 to be in spec). It was rattling, shaking and knocking alot. We sent the customer on his way with your product and trust of it to take the vehicle to Cape York without causing any damage.
Once the vehicle returned, these feedbacks on all injectors were around –0.5 to +0.8. Customer couldn’t believe the results. Whilst here for the service, we put the vehicle on the dyno before and after, after using your FOC and AW10 you can see the broad increase in torque and power right through the rev range. This vehicle was still using your CRD at the time it was on the dyno. From experience, with brand new Hilux’s we have put on the dyno for comparison, these vehicles are only making 70 to 85 RWKW. So the results of your product on a car that has done 160,000km is absolutely outstanding (105.4RWKW, we have never seen a stock Hilux make this much power!). I look forward to using your product on more vehicles in the future and keeping you updated with dyno results to prove your products. Thankyou
Tristan Wilson, KNIGHTS TOYOTA (Leongatha, VIC)
Komatsu PC15-2 excavator…Toughest test yet for CRD Fuel Enhancer!
I have a worn out, old excavator that I bought for at-home landscaping. It might get used 1 or 2 times a year. Recently I did a small job, and just before I parked it up the revs were fading. I thought I ran it out of fuel. So 3 weeks later I thought I should refuel it and bleed the system. But then I noticed the fuel filter was full of water. It was through the fuel pump and injectors…it didn’t run out of fuel at all.
It hadn’t been refuelled for about 4 years, which had FTC Decarbonizer and Cleanpower in it, but it had built condensation. The pump pistons seemed to be seizing. I could only get a bit of water and rusty stain out in dribbles. My only change of recovering it to running state was to free up the pump, so I put CRD in the fuel tank and a strong hit in the fuel filter. I could only bleed a small amount through the pump, so I did a bit each day, by cranking it over a few times, then leaving it to soak over night. After a week of this, I reconnected the fuel lines and she fired up and sounds just as good as before.
D4D Hilux Ute Fuel economy
Paul Burgess purchased CRD Fuel Enhancer for his Hilux (70,000km) for preventative reasons, as he did not have any issues with it. He tows a camper trailer, and will normally sit on 100kph where possible. He recorded these fuel consumption figures while towing.
Tank before using CRD…15.3L/100k
1St Tank with CRD…14.2L/100k
Paul consider both to be similar driving conditions, and didn’t expect to see such an improvement of this size.
2005 R51 Nissan Pathfinder 2.5 litre Turbo Diesel
Hi Guys, I have been using your products since discovering them in 4WD Action Magazine a couple of months ago. I drive loaded with a steel roof rack, bull bar, winch, drawers, fridge, etc, etc. It has 235,000 km on the clock, and sees its fair share of bush work.
I’ve always had a rattle in the morning, and I know it’s a sticky injector. I’ve poured all sorts of crap into that fuel tank, from “injector cleaner”, to 2 stroke oil, with no change. I tried your CRD Fuel Enhancer, thinking, “here goes, more money down the drain.” Well, wasn’t I amazed when the Pathy started running quieter, smoother and more economically, from about 150 km from the first dose. I even gave some to my mate across the road to try in his very rattly 2.8 ltr GU Patrol. We both agree, both engines are quieter and smoother.
Next, I tried the Decarboniser. I’m still within the first 20 hours, but already I have noticed a difference in smoke output and general performance.
Yesterday is where I became disappointed. I got some of your Flushing OIl Concentrate, and following the instructions to the letter, changed my oil. Today, I drove the usual 115 km to work, from Melton to Beaufort. Usually within this time, my oil would be the usual thick black. When I got to work, I thought I’d check the oil, feeling sure it would be black as usual. I pulled out the dipstick, and sure enough, I nearly had a heart attack. The dipstick had no oil on it!! I then had another look. I realised the dipstick had the correct amount of Penrite’s finest on it, but it was so clean I couldn’t see it!
Why am I disappointed? For years, I’ve tried different brands of fuel and oil treatments that claim to do magical things, but never live up to the promise. I could probably buy a new car with the money I’ve wasted. Finally, a product that does exactly what it claims to do. Each and every one of your products that I have tried so far has done exactly what it says it will do. Thank you for bringing these products to us. I will certainly do my best to spread the word.
Thanks Guys
Sean Murphy.